Be a Guest at my Guest Appearances

1.    How to include info about appearances
2.    Link to the event
3.    a link to the host’s website for registration

Please let me know how I can support your group by contacting me here.

Job seeking can be really lonely.  Why not get some support?  

This site is dedicated to helping experienced professionals who are looking for work or would like to change jobs or careers.  We strive to keep this information current. Would you help us do that? Let me know which opportunities listed here work best for you and if the information is still current. If you find an event or group that would help others please let us know about that, too.

I am also available for speaking at other events and media interviews.  If I might be able to help you with these, please contact me here.


Sue Nelson will be assisting Job Seekers on the following dates

First Mondays
Free Challenge Your Mindset Online Sessions
7:00 –8:00 p.m. EDT
Get help with uncovering the messages that are hiding in you, preventing you from moving forward freely in your life. I will work 1:1 with one or two examples and then open to Q&A with participants. Session is online using Zoom. (You may need to download the software one time.)  Ask any question about your “messages” or share your experiences. A link to the session will be sent to all those who are registered. Limit 50 participants.

Coming Up:
May 7, 2018 SIGN UP HERE

April 2, 2018  SIGN UP HERE


Third Mondays
Free Job Search Q&A Calls
7:00 – 7:30 p.m. EDT

Get help with your search with an online Q&A session using Zoom. (You may need to download the software one time.)  Ask any question about your job search or share your experiences. A link to the session will be sent to all those who are registered. Limit 50 participants.

Coming Up:
May 21, 2018 SIGN UP HERE

April 16, 2018 SIGN UP HERE


Job Search Support Groups

North Coast Job Seekers
2nd and 4th Mondays, 7:30 – 9:00


More In Person Resources for
Job Seekers

Ohio Means Jobs

1910 Carnegie Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
(216) 777-8200
(216) 777-8210
Mon. thru Fri.: 8:00am-5:00pm

 Old Brooklyn
4261 Fulton Parkway and Memphis
Cleveland, OH 44144
(216) 635-4142
 Mon. thru Fri.: 8:00am-4:00pm

 Quincy Place
8111 Quincy Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44104
(216) 561-5503
 Mon. thru Fri.: 8:00am-4:00pm


I Got the Job! Strategy and Implementation Bootcamp
Not currently scheduled
Read more about it and sign up!

I Got the Job! Success System One Day Immersion
Not currently scheduled
Read more about it and sign up!