Unblocking Our Receiving Window: Receiving Healing in the Healing Pathway
This is what your Receiving Area looks like when your channels are opening!
I know this is a confusing header, and that there are confusing bits in this post. I’ll connect them with future posts as I put them up.
Dear Sue,
I thought about what you said about the five things that block us and whilst I still can’t come up with any resentments, I do have someone I have jealousy around. She does something sort of similar to me and it’s possible I owe her an amends as well. Not sure how to proceed.
Dear Chloe,
It’s brave of you to consider what else you could be doing. You’re already working so hard. How would it be to pray for her? That she receives everything you would like to come your way?
There’s a new practice I’m learning. Maybe you would like to try it too. It’s to bring our Receiving Area into our consciousness, our awareness, thereby asking for seeing what we are receiving. We are energizing what we are seeing - that’s the Receiving Area. So we want to look for all kinds of goodness.
Our Receiving Area is right in front of us from our heart chakra (including thymus, i.e., where we connect with our grandparents and belief systems), up past our shoulders, our throat chakra (including our thyroid, i.e., our responsibilities in our relationships), up to our mouths (nourishing from and to us), nose (in the discernment pathway), and our cheeks (for smiling), up to, but not including, our eyes. It’s a little wider than our shoulders (especially our right one - receiving from people who are not like us.) It’s not inside us, but on us.
Maybe we could pray for our rectangle filling with golden energy of love and happiness, and receiving invitations. Golden is yellow (which is encouragement) and metal which is shining and attracting, like magnets of different kinds, so we attract different things.
FYI, money comes after invitations are accepted. Like when getting a new job, the invitation to interview comes before the invitation to join, which comes before the paycheck - which itself is one of the outcomes of engaging in service someone invited our employer to give them.
Often, as in the job example, we ask to be of service (apply - or better yet, tell people) before the invitation to interview comes. But not always. Sometimes we are found because our golden light is shining brightly!
Glimmering, Glowing Star Triangles
This is where we’re heading. When I know more I’ll follow up.